Music Director/Conductor
Ms. Ling Lu


Ling Lu Photo 1 Ling Lu Photo 2

LING LU, born and raised in a musical family, learned to play the piano since childhood. In 1994, she went to Russia to further her studies; enrolled in the Moscow Gnessin Music Academy Choral Conducting Department, she graduated with outstanding achievements and received a Master degree in 2001. Ling Lu was then admitted to Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and continued to further study Choral conducting under the direction of the famous professor and Dean Stanislav Kalinin. She completed her associate doctoral program in choral conducting in November 2003.

During her studies in Moscow, Ling Lu had been engaged in many different forms of concerts, in the Gnessin concert Hall, the Moscow Conservatory Rachmaninov Concert Hall, and successfully conducted different choirs, including the Gnessin Chamber Music Choir, Gnessin College Choir, Moscow Conservatory Choir and Katenikov's Moscow National College Choir.

After immigrating to Canada in 2003, she has played an active role in participating at different concerts and music events, as well as adjudicating some music competitions. While promoting Chinese culture, she holds workshops with different community groups at the same time to enhance her chorus career. Ling Lu has been conducting the Vancouver Chinese Choir Association for 19 years and is also the conductor of the Grand Ensemble Chorus.

盧凌指揮生長於音樂家庭,自幼學習鋼琴。一九九四年赴俄羅斯深造,考入莫斯科 格涅辛音樂學院合唱指揮系,以優異成績畢業,於二零零一年獲碩士學位。考上莫 斯科柴柯夫斯基音樂學院,繼續深造合唱指揮,師從著名教授及系主任斯坦尼斯拉 夫。加里寧。於二零零三年十一月完成她的合唱指揮專業副博士研究生課程。

在莫斯科期間,曾多次參加並舉辦不同形式的音樂會,分別在格涅辛音樂廳,莫斯 科音樂學院拉赫馬尼洛夫音樂廳等,成功地指揮過不同的合唱團,其中包括格涅辛 室內樂合唱團,格涅辛音樂學院合唱團,莫斯科音樂學院合唱團及卡捷尼科夫的莫 斯科國家學院合唱團。

二零零三年底移民加拿大後,積極參與各種大小音樂會和音樂活動,以及擔任一些 音樂比賽評委。致力宣揚中華文化的同時,也在不同社區社團進行合唱教學,完善 自己的合唱事業。擔任國韻合唱團指揮已接近十九年,同時也是溫哥華知音合唱團 指揮。

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